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Ebakaaro Marketplace. Hello!

Ebakaaro Market place is an idea that was conceived in 2018, the idea came as a result of the ever-increasing need for online buying and selling. The competition to existing online made so many SMEs in Norway and also globally get left behind due to various reasons among them; the cost of running an online shop, limited knowledge of how to successfully run an online shop, time factor among others. Therefore it is because of this gap that Ebakaaro was created to help the small shops exist in a marketplace where they can thrive through pooling together despite their independence. Ebakaaro is able to provide a marketplace for SMEs where they can register and offer a variety of products at a relatively small fee.

How To Sell on Ebakaaro

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How to Buy on Ebakaaro

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Ebakaaro Global

Unbeatable customer service

A pool of different SMEs with a goal to create a large online marketplace that can enjoy economies of scale through advertising as a unit and offering differentiated products and services at a relatively affordable price.. 925 534 641

Ebakaaro Norway
Address: Grønlandsleiret 19,

0190 Oslo, Norway


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