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General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Marketplace for Buyers and Sellers.

Preliminary & Definition.

This contract sets out:

  • Your legal rights and responsibilities;
  • Our legal rights and responsibilities; and
  • Certain key information required by law.

In this contract:

  • We, us or our; means Ebakaaro References to us in these Terms also includes any group companies which we may have from time to time.
  • Our site or our website; refers to any site on which these terms and conditions are displayed, including, but not limited to the following websites:,
  • You or your; means the person accessing or using our site to make purchases from us.

If you don’t understand any of this contract and want to talk to us about it, please contact us by e-mail:, or telephone: +47 939 92 007/ +796705212. Please note, calls will be answered at the following times: Tuesday – Friday 09:00 -16:00 Saturday – 10:00 – 15:00. We may record calls for quality and training purposes.

Who we are

Ebakaaro marketplace operates an e-commerce platform, (together with logistics and payment infrastructure partners), for the sale and purchase of consumer products in various parts of the world including Europe and East Africa (“territory”).Our office is at Grønlandsleiret 19, 0190 Oslo, Norway, We are registered under the Norwegian registrar of companies with organization number:  991872698.

A. Introduction.

  1. These terms and conditions apply to any sale of goods or services on our site. If you buy goods or services on our site you agree to be legally bound by this contract and the terms and conditions contained herein.
  2. You may only buy goods or services from our site for non-business purposes.
  3. This contract is only available in English. No other languages are available for this contract.
  4. When buying or selling any goods or services on our site you also agree to be bound by:
B. Information we give You.
  1. By law, the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation, and Additional Charges) Regulations say that we must give you certain key information before a legally binding contract between you and us is made. If you want to see this key information, please:

(a) Navigate to the following page:
(b) Read the Confirmation email that will be sent to you when you have
ordered goods or services (see the clause below), or
(c) Contact us using the contact details at the top of this page

  1. The key information we give you by law forms part of this contract (as though it is set out in full here).
  2. If we have to change any key information once a legally binding contract between you and us is made, we can only do this if you agree to it.
D. Terms and condition of sale
  1. These terms and conditions govern the buying and selling of Product or Products and provisions of services by Ebakaaro marketplace and its affiliates (“Seller”) as well as by third-party vendors and/or service providers of Seller. Further, any user of our  marketplace  acknowledges that:
    (a) Ebakaaro shall accept binding sales, on behalf of sellers, but it will  not be a party to the transaction between the seller and the buyer; and
    (b) A binding contract for the sale and purchase of a product or products       will come into force between the buyer and seller, and accordingly, you       commit to buying or selling the relevant product or products, upon the       buyer’s confirmation of the purchase via the marketplace;
    (c)The marketplace provides an online platform for sellers to sell and buyers to purchase products.
  2. Subject to these general terms and conditions, the seller’s terms of business shall govern the contract for sale and purchase between the buyer and the seller. Notwithstanding this, the following conditions will be incorporated into the contract of sale and purchase between the buyer and the seller:
    (a)The price for a product will be as stated in the relevant product listing, this price includes the currency listing, applicable VAT, and compliance with applicable laws;
    (b)delivery charges, packaging charges, handling charges, administrative charges, insurance costs, other ancillary costs, and charges, will only be payable by the buyer if this is expressly and clearly stated in the product listing;
    (c)the consumer rights act gives you legal rights and ensures that products provided must be of satisfactory quality, fit and safe for any purpose specified in, and conform in all material respects to, the product listing and any other description (size, color, discount, etc) of the products supplied or made available by the seller to the buyer; and
    (d)The seller warrants that the seller has good title to, and is the sole legal and beneficial owner of, the products, and that the products are not subject to any third party rights or restrictions including in respect of third party intellectual property rights and/or any criminal, insolvency or tax investigation or proceedings.
E. Returns, Refund and Exchange

Any authorized Returns, Refunds, or Exchange of products by buyers and acceptance of returned products by sellers shall be managed by Ebakaaro in accordance with the returns and refund page on the marketplace, as may be amended from time to time. Acceptance of returns shall be in our discretion, subject to compliance with applicable laws of the territory.

F. Content Rules and Conditions
  1. As is in these general terms and conditions, content means:
    (a)all works and materials that you submit to us or our marketplace for storage or publication, processing by, or onward transmission; and
    (b)All communications on the marketplace, including product reviews, feedback, and comments.
  2. Your content must be appropriate, civil, and tasteful, and in accordance with generally accepted standards of etiquette and behavior on the internet, and must not:
    (a)be offensive, obscene, indecent, pornographic, lewd, suggestive, or sexually explicit;
    (b)depict violence in an explicit, graphic, or gratuitous manner; or
    (c)be blasphemous, in breach of racial or religious hatred or discrimination legislation;
    (c)be deceptive, fraudulent, threatening, abusive, harassing, anti-social, menacing, hateful, discriminatory, or inflammatory;
    (d)cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to any person; or
    (e)Constitute spam.
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